Luigi Wewege Creates Jobs Overseas

Long Island is one of those little American places that has one of the most packed populations in the United States. Although the little area has only four counties, the population is a whopping 7,568,304, which is roughly 39 percent of New York’s entire population. You can imagine that jobs in such a condensed, tiny speck on the map must be hard to come by and it’s no surprise that millions have found jobs in corporations located overseas such as Luigi Wewege’s Vivier & Co.

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Because Luigi spread himself out all over the world or as they say “duplicated himself,” it’s one of the many reasons why Wewege is a huge success today as you can see in his recent pics. Other job opportunities come about because Long Island has the largest industrial park on the East Coast called the Hauppauge Industrial Park. The Hauppauge Industrial Park has over 1,300 companies meaning more than 71,000 residents can work to put bread on the table. As many as 20 percent of Long Islanders commute to New York City jobs leaving the rest to work for other companies overseas.